Appendicitis F5
Appendicitis F5: Appendicitis or PMS with poor circulation, irregular period, infertility, headache,  obstructed fallopian tubes, dizziness, coronary heart diseases, gastritis, kidney problems, sinus trouble, warts, leg and lower back pain or trauma.

1. Appendicitis: 57 acute appendicitis patients took F5's modification for up to three weeks and 50 cured (87.71 percent), 4 significantly improved (7.01 percent), one improved and two needed surgery (3.50 percent).
2. PMS: 142 patients took F5 for up to 8 weeks and 72 were cured (50.70 percent), 16 significantly improved (11.26 percent), 41 improved (28.87 percent) and 13 did not improve (9.15 percent).
3. Excessive periods: 250 patients took F5 and only 24 did not improve. Most patients did have more bleeding in the first or two days but soon completely stopped.
4. Abnormal vaginal bleeding: 497 patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding took F5 for up to four months and 208 were cured (41.85 percent), 234 significantly improved (47.08 percent), 15 improved (3.01 percent) and 40 did not improve (8.04 percent).
5. Obstructed fallopian tube: 109 patients took F5 for up to 12 months and 58 were became pregnant (53.70 percent). Another 85 women with ovary tract blockage took F5 for three months and 48 cured with no blockage (56.47 percent), 25 improved (29.41 percent) and 12 did not improve (14.11 percent).
6. Headaches: 158 various headaches patients from three studies took F5 and 53 were cured (33.54 percent), 77 improved (48.73 percent), 19 improved (12.02 percent) and 9 did not.
7. Senile dizziness: 45 seniors took F5 and 15 were cured, 28 improved and 2 did not. The total effective rate was 95 percent.
8. Coronary heart disease: 868 patients from two reports took F5 or its modification for up to a month and only 6 did not improve. Total effectiveness rate was 99.3 percent.
9. Gastritis: 52 patients took F5 or its modification for three months and seven were cured (13.46 percent), 35 significantly improved (67.30 percent), 10 improved
      10. Chronic kidney infection: 33 severe chronic kidney infection patients who had tried regular medicine with little effect took F5 or its modification and the total effective rate was 39.4 percent. 70 patients with abnormal HP were divided evenly into a comparison group taking regular western medicine and a treatment group taking F5. In the treatment group: 3 complete remissions, 25 partial remissions, 5 improved and 2 did not improve. Total remission rate was 80 percent in the treatment group, significantly better than the comparison group. There were significant differences between two groups, all P<0.01 or 0.05.
11. Warts: 125 patients from four reports took F5 for up to 30 days and 93 were cured (74.4 percent), 13 significantly improved (10.4 percent), 7 improved (5.6 percent) and 12 did not (9.6 percent).
12. Trauma: 240 patients with histories from two hours to 125 days took F5 or its modifications for a month and 218 were cured (90.83 percent) and 22 did not improve. Another report of 500 acute soft tissue injury patients who applied F5 externally after acupuncture treatment found 470 were cured (94 percent), 29 improved (5.8 percent) and one did not.

A bottle of Appendicitis F5 at $19.99
A bottle of Appendicitis F5 at $19.99
A mont supply of Appendicitis F5 at $69.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
A mont supply of Appendicitis F5 at $69.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
12 bottles of Appendicitis F5 at $189.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
12 bottles of Appendicitis F5 at $189.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005

All the information above did not evaluate or prove by FDA (Food & Drug Administration).  All the products are not intented to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder.