Chronic nephritis F2
A bottle of Chronic nephritis F2 at $19.99
A bottle of Chronic nephritis F2 at $19.99
A mont supply of Chronic nephritis F2 at $69.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
A mont supply of Chronic nephritis F2 at $69.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
12 bottles of Chronic nephritis F2 at $189.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
12 bottles of Chronic nephritis F2 at $189.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005

All the information above did not evaluate or prove by FDA (Food & Drug Administration).  All the products are not intented to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. 
Chronic nephritis F2: Chronic nephritis or kidney infection, lower back pain, diabetes, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, asthma, infertility, impotence, prostate enlargement, or bed-wetting.

1. Chronic kidney infection: 112 chronic kidney infection patients took F2 and 110 were cured or significantly improved; only two did not improve. 15 patients with kidney infection and edema who took F2 from four to 18 months and two were cured (13.33 percent), 5 significantly improved (33.33 percent) four improved (26.66 percent) and four did not (26.66 percent).
2. Lower back pain: 49 patients took F2 from two to eight weeks and only 13 did not improve (26.53 percent); the other 74.47 percent all improved.
3. Diabetes: Several studies show F2 or its modification is effective in controlling the glucose level of diabetes patients. F2 can be used along or with regular diabetes medications.
4. Coronary heart disease: 54 patients with slow heart rate due to CHD were divided into a treatment group (n=30) who took F2 and a comparison group (n=24) who took Persantin and other medications. Significantly improved: 16 vs. 7 (33.33 percent vs. 29.16 percent), improved: 12 vs. 8 (40 percent vs. 33.33 percent) and not improved: 2 vs. 9 (6.666 percent vs. 37.5 percent). 60 patients were divided into a treatment group (n=40) took F2 and a comparison group (n=20) who took Vitamin E for a month. Significantly improved: 16 vs. 3 (40 percent vs. 15 percent), improved: 22 vs. 12 (55 percent vs. 60 percent) and not improved: 2 vs. 5 (5 percent vs. 25 percent). The EKG improvement rate was 67.5 percent vs. 20 percent. Other reports also confirmed the positive effects of F2 on coronary heart disease patients.
5. Heart failure with edema: 30 patients histories from two to 20 years took F2 for a month and 12 significantly improved (40 percent), 16 improved (53.33 percent) and two did not improve (6.67 percent).
6. High cholesterol: 98 elderly patients took F2 from two to seven months and found the average LDL-C increased significantly (P<0.01), AI and LPO were down significantly.
7. Asthma: 20 patients took F2 for up to five months and 4 were cured (20 percent), 9 significantly improved (45 percent), 5 improved (25 percent) and two did not improve (10 percent). Another report on 17 patients who took F2 for six months found all but two patient's IgE tests were normal (88.23 percent).
8. Impotence: F2 is effective for the thin and tense male (40 to 70 percent effectiveness) but is not good for the overweight male.
9. Prostate enlargement: 66 patients took F2 and 35 patients improved (53.03 percent).

Toxicity and side effects: Few patients (less than 7 percent) may experience minor constipation or stomach discomfort after taking F2.