Tracheitis and bronchitis F8
A bottle of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $21.99
A bottle of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $21.99
A mont supply of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $78.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
A mont supply of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $78.99!! Save over 10 percent!!!!
12 bottles of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $209.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
12 bottles of Herb Tracheitis and bronchitis F8 at $209.99!!! Save over 20 percent! Plus Free S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005

All the information above did not evaluate or prove by FDA (Food & Drug Administration).  All the products are not intented to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. 
Tracheitis and bronchitis F8: Senile bronchitis with chronic cough, lower back pain and weak knee.

1. Senile chronic bronchitis: 56 patients age from 40 to 80 years old with bronchitis histories from four to 30 years took F8 or its modification for two weeks. 13 significantly improved (23.21 percent), 33 improved (58.92 percent) and 10 did not improve after the treatment (17.85 percent).

Toxicity and side effects: There is no known side effect or toxicity of F8.