Acute hepatitis F3
Acute hepatitis F3: Acute hepatitis with jaundice, high blood pressure, swollen, red eyes, severe headache, bitter and sticky mouth, discomfort in the rib cage area and liver or gallbladder problems.

1. Liver and gallbladder: Hepatitis jaundice: Two reports on 62 patients taking the F3 formula for a month found 57 were cured (91.93%), 4 significantly improved (6.45%) and one did not improve. Another report on 172 acute jaundice patients taking F3 or its modifications showed all cured in 30 to 40 days. Acute gallbladder infections: In two reports, 9 patients with acute gallbladder infections taking F3 and its modifications were all cured in 8 to11 days.
2. High blood pressure: Three clinical reports on 48 HBP patients taking F3 found only four did not improve after treatment. The total cure and effectiveness rate exceeded 91.67 percent.
3. Improved immune system: F3 can help to increase the immune system. In lab mice, at 50g/Kg dosage, the engulfing rate of macropharge cells was tested in 3 hours and 6 hours later. These results were compared with the comparison group.  Engulfing rate at 3 hours is: 17.77 vs. 5.96; at 6 hours: 44 vs. 15.86. There is a very significant difference, p<0.05. The F3 formula also increased the transforming rate of lymph cells-- 14% at 0.05ml and 36% at 0.15ml dosage. Plateau red-cell syndromes: Of 35 patients using F3 to treat plateau red-cell syndromes, 24 were cured (68.6%), 8 improved (22.8%) and 3 did not (8.6%). Another report on 130 patients who were divided into a treatment group (n=70) using F3 and western medicine together and a comparison group (n=60) using western medicine only found: Cured: 58 vs. 35 (82.9% vs. 50%), improved: 10 vs. 15 (14.3% vs. 25%), did not improve: 2 vs. 10 (2.8% vs. 16.67%). There are very significant differences between two groups, p<0.01. Urinary tract infection: Of 14 acute or chronic urinary tract infection patients taking F3 from 3 to 13 days, 12 were cured (85.71%) and 2 improved (14.29%). Of 52 acute Pyelonephritis patients taking F3, 48 cured (92.39%), 4 improved (7.61%). Urine test turned negative in an average of 7 days.
4. Leukemia: Of 26 bone-marrow autopsy-confirmed acute leukemia patients taking F3 or its modifications along with western medicine, 14 reached total remission (53.84%), 10 reached partial remission (38.46%) and 2 did not improve.
5. Hyperthyroid: Two reports on 19 patients with high T3, T4 and I131 taking F3 formula showed 7 cured (36.84%), 11 improved (57.89%) and only one did not improve.
6. Diabetes: Of 36 overweight patients with high cholesterol problems, from 50 to 69 years old and with empty stomach glucose all >5.6mmol/L, 28 were cured (77.77%), 5 (13.88%) significantly improved and 3 improved after F3 treatment.
7. Acute upper digestive tract bleeding: 200 patients were divided into a treat- ment group (n=100) using F3 or its modification and a comparison group (n=100) using Cimetidinum. The total effectiveness rate was 98% versus 80%. Stool-blood test  showed to negative in 4 days among the treatment group, while the comparison group required 6.2 days, p<0.05.
8. Acne and pimples: Of 50 patients taking F3 or its modification, 10 were cured (20%), 21 significantly improved (42%), 10 improved (20%) and 9 did not (18%).
8.  Herpes: Of 336 patients using F3 from 7 to 14 days, 318 were cured (94.64%) and 18 significantly improved (5.36%).  A report on 100 patients who were divided into a treatment group (n=58) and a comparison group (n=42) using Vit. B 100 mg IV injections and Vit. B.12 at 200ug showed: Cured: 56 vs. 30 (96.55% vs. 71.42%), improved: 2 vs. 5 (3.45% vs. 11.90%) and 7 cases in comparison group did not improve ( 0% vs. 16.67%). There is a significant difference between two groups.
10. Rashes: Four reports on 50 rash patients taking F3 for up to two weeks found 42 were cured (84%) and 8 improved (16%).  
11. Male sexual problems: Ejaculation difficulty: In two reports on 16 patients were all cured in 45 days.   Acute orchitis: Two reports on 48 patients showed all but two cured after treatment.   Prostatitis: Two reports on 74 patients taking F3 or its modifications found 34 were cured (45.94%), 20 significantly improved (41.66%), 15 improved (20.27%) and 5 did not (6,76%).
12. Female problems: Acute pelvic inflammation: 7 patients were all cured in 10 days.  Uterus prolapse: Of 25 females in two reports taking F3, 12 were cured (48%), 12 improved (48%) and one did not improve after treatment.   Cervical infection:  Of 356 chronic cervical infection patients taking F3, 332 patients (93.3%) were either cured or improved.

Toxicity and side effects: In animal tests, LD50 of F3 is 72g/kg. Some patients may experience mild diarrhea or loose stool in the first couple of days of taking the F6 formula.
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A bottle of Acute hepatitis F3 at $19.99!
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A month supply of Acute hepatitis F3 at $69.99!! Save over 10%!!
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12 bottles of Acute hepatitis F3 at $189.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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