Antiasthma F3

This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
A bottle of Herb Antiasthma F3 at $19.99
A bottle of Herb Antiasthma F3 at $19.99
A month supply of Antiasthma F3 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
A month supply of Antiasthma F3 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
12 bottles of Herb Antiasthma F3 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of Herb Antiasthma F3 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
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Antiasthma F3: Asthma, cough, chest pain with kidney problems, water retention, difficulty in urination, body ache with a heavy sensation or dizziness.

1. Asthma and cough: 286 asthma patients took F3 or its modification up to two months and 97 (33.91 percent) were cured (no asthma in five years), 134 (46.35 percent) significantly improved (no asthma in three years), 36 (12.59 percent) improved, no attack in one year -- and 19 did not improve (6.64 percent).  
1. Heart failure: 126 heart failure patients in four studies took F3 or its modification for up to a month and 1 was cured, 56 significantly improved (44.44 percent), 53 improved (42.06 percent) and 16 did not improve (12.69 percent). 121 patients were divided into a treatment group (n=58) using F3 or its modification and a comparison group (n=63) using  regular western medicine methods. The effective rate was about 90 vs. 70 percent, P<0.05. The treatment group was not only better in the effectiveness rate but also superior in the PaO2, PaCO2, Aib, IgG, Na, K, P, Glucose and PH value. More than seven studies also showed the similar effects.
2. Kidney failure: 75 chronic kidney failure patients took F3 from 17 to 57 days and 6 went into remission (8 percent), 27 significantly improved (36 percent), 29 improved (38.66 percent) and 13 did not improve (17.33 percent). A study of 12 patients who took F3 with western medicine found 9 patients achieved total remission while the other three were in partial remission.   
3. Renal fluid retention: 40 patients were treated with F3 for up to three weeks and 35 were cured (87.50 percent), two significantly improved and three did not improve.
5. Meniere's Syndrome: 78 patients took F3 found 70 were cured and 2 improved. There are more than 10 additional reports with similar results.