Appendicitis F3
A bottle of Appendicitis F3 at $22.99
A bottle of Appendicitis F3 at $22.99
A month supply of Appendicitis F3 at $79.99!! Save over 10%!!!
A month supply of Appendicitis F3 at $79.99!! Save over 10%!!!
12 bottles of Appendicitis F3 at $219.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
12 bottles of Appendicitis F3 at $219.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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Appendicitis F3: Appendicitis or chronic gallbladder infection or chronic pelvic infection.

1. Appendicitis: More than seven studies of appendicitis patients who took F3 found a cure rate that exceeded 75 percent. 204 patients took F3 or its modifications and 152 were cured (74.50 percent); only 10 needed surgery (4.90 percent).
2. Chronic gallbladder infections: 48 patients took F3 and 25 were cured (52.08 percent), 14 significantly improved (29.16 percent) and 9 did not improve (18.75 percent).
3. Chronic elvic infection: 56 patients took F3 or its modifications up for three months and 31 were cured (55.4 percent), 12 significantly improved (21.42 percent), 10 improved (17.85 percent) and three did not improve.

Toxicity and side effects: Patients may have looser bowel movements after taking F3, which is a normal response. If you have any question, please feel free to e-mail us.