Bone Spur F1
Bone Spur F1: Bone spurs with high cholesterol, hypertension, hyper- thyroidism, diabetes, age over 50, weak lower back or with tumor problems.

1. Bone Spur: 100 patients age from 35 to 64 years old took F1 and other herb for up to three months and 18 healed, 16 significantly improved, 33 improvred and 33 did not improve. Total effectiveness rate is 67 percent.
2. High TC or LDL: In lab tests, the F1 formula not only reduced LDL and liver fat deposits, but it also increased HDL in tested animals. It also reduced Ca+ deposita in the main arteries and prevented the aorta from foaming into heart tissue to prevent heart disease.
3. Hypertension: More than nine lab tests confirmed the effects of F1 on hypertension. After 30 minutes of oral administration, test animals' blood pressure dropped to only 65% to 74% of their original readings. Many clinical applications also confirmed the blood pressure-lowering effects on patients.
4. Anti-aging: In lab studies, the F1 formula not only reduced LPO (lipids peroxide) in tissues, but also increased SOD (super oxidative dismutase) activity to slow the aging process. In lab animals with a 14-day intake, male animals saw an increase in the weight of  their testicles of up to 13 percent, while their sperm count increased by 25.9%. And in female animals, ovary weight increased by 43% while uterus weight increased 21.2%. Adult lab male rabbits taking the F1 formula for 10 days showed 40% more frequency in sexual behavior.
5. Male and female Infertility: A report focused on the high-density sperm count of 12 males from 26 to 32 years old with sperm counts of more than 200,000,000/ml.  After treatment from 28 days to 74 days, 7 males made their wives pregnant, 3 had their sperm counts reach normal levels and the other 2 also improved. F1 formula can also help women with infertility problems. A report on 55 women who suffered frequent miscarriage  with such symptoms as lower back pain, weak complexion and low energy found 53 (96.36%) patients delivered full-term babies after treatment. Only two women did not improve.
6. Diabetes: In diabetic lab mice, glucose, N and triglycerides were down after three days of treatment. After five days of treatment, potassium was down while Na+ and hemoglobin were up. However, where the glucose reading was more than 350 mg/dL in tested animals, it proved more difficult to control. From 1953 to 1995, more than 12 clinical reports on the use of the F1 formula to treat diabetes patients show very rewarding results. A report on 65 non-insulin-dependant patients using the formula for one month showed 30 (46.2%) significantly improved, 28 (43.1%) improved and 7 (10.7%) did not respond to the treatment. Another report focused on 172 patients, of which five patients ranging in age from 2 to 12 years had Type I diabetes, while 167 patients aged from 32 to 80 years were Type II diabetes patients with diabetes histories from seven months to 24 years, and 37 had been using Insulin.  In the Type I group, 1 significantly improved, 2 improved and 2 did not respond.   In the Type II diabetes patients: 17 (10.2%) were clinically cured, 90 (53.9%) significantly improved, 49 (29.3%) improved and 11 (6.6%) did not respond at all.  
7. Adoptgen effect: The F1 formula is comparable with ginseng in many areas. In lab mice after two weeks of oral administration, the treatment group had a 29.6% longer time in swimming tests compared to the non-treatment group, p<0.01. The average growth rate in the treatment group was 38.5% higher in six-week old female lab mice. The formula also prolonged the survival time in a low-oxygen environment by 13.1%. In freezer tests, the treatment group had a 50% death rate, while comparison group had a 93.8% death rate. The F1 formula also reduced AD, T3 & T4 readings in hyper thyroid animals. Clinical reports also confirmed the effects of F1 on thyroid patients.
8. Anti-tumor effects: In many animal tests, the F1 formula shows great effects on tumor. In mice with transplanted uterus cancer, the treatment group had an average of 45 surviving days while the comparison group had only 33 days. In another test of acquired stomach cancer, the treatment group had only a 16.7% prevailing rate while the contrast group had 57.1%. The F1 formula can increase the activity of NK cells and improve overall immune system functions. The materials are too many to list here. In clinical reports, of 30 lung cancer patients taking F1 formula two weeks before chemo-therapy, all patients improved in WBC, total hemoglobin, A/G ratio and IgG readings. Another report on 35 stage IV stomach cancer patients, from 45 to 77 years old, all of whom refused to take chemo or radiation therapy and opted instead for three years of treatment with the F1 formula, showed the following results: Karnofsky rating improved from 59 point to 71 points; six-month survival rate: 91.4%, one-year survival rate: 85.7%, two-year: 48.6% and three-year survival rate was 22.8%. 

       Toxicity and side effects: This is a very safe formula. Test animals were divided into three dosage groups of 30, 3 and 0.6g/kg for 14 months, and the tumor growth rates were: 1.5%: 8.9%: 16.1% versus 14.3% in the non-treatment group. The high-dosage group had the lowest prevalence of tumors.  

A bottle of Bone Spur F1 at $19.99
A bottle of Bone Spur F1 at $19.99
A month supply of Bone Spur F1 at $69.99!! Save over 10%!!
A month supply of Bone Spur F1 at $69.99!! Save over 10%!!
12 bottles of  Bone Spur F1 at $189.99!! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of  Bone Spur F1 at $189.99!! Save over 20%!!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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