Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2
Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2: Brain arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage or embolism stroke, High LDL or TC, brain damage, frequent urination, lower back pain, heart disease, liver and kidney problems.

1. Brain arteriosclerosis: 190 patients took F2 or its modifications for up to seven weeks and the overall improvement rate is over 90 percent.
2. Stroke: The F2 formula is used a lot in the rehabilitation of stroke patients. More than 15 different lab tests all indicate great effects of the F2 formula in helping brain damaged animals and patients.  In clinical reports: 1) Cerebral Ischemic stroke: 12 clinical reports on more than 1,100 cerebral ischemic patients receiving F2 treatment up to three months showed a death rate of less than 5 percent, while the clinical cure rate was about 40 percent. Another 12 reports involving thousands stroke patients who used the F2 formula along with other methods also achieved similar results. Several reports compared F2 with regular stroke mediciatons and there are significant differences in F2's favor, P<0.05 or P<0.01.   2) Cerebral hemorrhagic stroke: According to a report on 150 hemorrhagic stroke patients using the F2 formula along with regular drugs showed an 82 percent improvement rate. Another report on 50 patients, who were divided into two groups, the treatment group (n=27) using F2 with other drugs and a comparison group, showed the following results:  9 (33.3%) were cured, 10 significantly improved (37.03%),  4 improved (14.81%) and 4 did not respond to the treatment. In the comparison group (n=23), which only used conventional drugs, had only 1 patient cured (4.35%), 6 significantly improved (26.08%), 8 improved (34.78%) and 8 did not respond (34.78%). There is a significant difference between two groups, P<0.05.    3) Stroke rehab: Four clinical reports on 89 patients using the F2 formula from one to two months reveal very exciting results: Only 11 (12.36%) patients did not improve at the end of the treatment. Another report studied132 patients, divided evenly into a treatment group taking F2 with acupuncture and a comparison group using regular medicine. In the treatment group, of 62 cases, 88.8 percent of the patient improved, while in the contrast group, only 51.6 percent of patients improved, p<0.05.  Another report on 266 patients also achieved similar results.
3. High Cholesterol or Hyperlipidemic: In two lab tests on rabbits, the F2 formula was very effective in lowering TC and TG and removing clots inside artery. Another report on lab mice who had the F2 formula mixed with their feed for one month showed great reduction in TC and HDL; they aso maintained HDL-C at a healthy level, p<0.01. The F2 formula also reduced SOD (super oxidative dismutase) and increased LPO (lipids peroxide).
4. Hypertension: 1.0 to 2.0g/kg IV injections to lab rabbits showed stable and steady lowering of blood pressure with no interference in the heart rate. Another test on lab dog also showed the same effect. Arteriosclerosis: Four reports on 190 patients with hyper- tension taking the F2 formula up to seven weeks found that more than 75 of patients were either improved or cured.
5. Head or brain injury: Five reports on 289 head injury patients taking the F2 formula with acupuncture for one month showed: 144 clinically cured (49.82 percent), 131 significantly improved (45.33 percent), 9  improved (3.11 percent) and only 5 stay the same. In a study combining F2 formula with western medicine (n=102) and a control group that only used western medicine (n=60), the treatment group had 91 patients cured (89.22%), 9 improved (8.82%) and only 2 (1.96%) did not respond to the treatment. In the contrast group, 36 were cured (60%), 15 improved (25%) and 9 (15%) did not respond to the treatment. There is a significant difference between the two groups, p<0.01. 
6. Vascular headache: Four reports on 100 vascular headache patients taking F2 for up to a month showed: 29 cured, 33 significantly improved, 34 improved and 4 did not improve.
7. Coronary heart disease: The F2 formula is effective against coronary heart disease. Of 102 patients divided into two groups, the treatment group (n=70) using F2 formula and western medicine while the contrast group (n=32) only using regular western medicine, the following Result were reported: 1) In the treatment group, LPO and LPO/ SOD values dropped significantly and SOD were up dramatically, both p<0.01.  2) Plasma apoB100 dropped while apoA1 rose significantly, both p<0.01.  3) The treatment group's EKGs also improved, p<0.05.  Another study used the F2 formula to treat 98 acute angina patients. Death rate in the treatment group was 8.2% versus 29.1% among patients using conventional medicine. Other clinical reports involving more than 300 patients all proved F2 has great results on CHD.
8. Heart failure: Of 15 chronic rheumatic heart valve failure patients taking F2 formula for a month, all reported heart functions up two levels. A report of 114 angina patients with pulmonary heart disease who took the F2 formula for one month found 98 (86%) significantly improved, 11 (9.65%) improved and 5 did not. Two more reports involving 142 pulmonary heart patients taking F2 or its modification for two months showed the following results: 100 significantly improved (70.42%), 32 improved (22.54%) and 10 did not improve (7.04%).
9.Sciatia nerve: Three reports on 184 sciatia nerve patients taking F2 formula for a month noted a total effective rate of more than 90 percent.
10. Liver problems:  A study examined 48 liver cirrhosis patients taking F2 formula and a contrast group (n=20) using western medicine such as Heparinum for three months. The treatment group had a total effective rate of 89.6% while the contrast group was only 55%, p<0.05. In the treatment group, IgG, IgA, IgM were all down, while C3 and C4 are up significantly; there was no such change in contrast group.  Another report on 50 patients with liver cirrhosis with abdominal ascites showed that after three months of F2 use, 34 cases (68%) significantly improved (liver function test normal and no ascites), 12 cases (24%) improved (liver function improved and no ascites) and 4 cases did not improve.
11. Acute nephritis: 48 pediatric patients were treated with the F2 formula and total effective rate was 91.66 percent.
12. Chronic nephritis: Two reports involving 149 chronic nephritis patients taking the F2 formula showed the following results:  92 were clinically cured (61.74%), 16 significantly improved (10.74%), 31 improved (20.81%) and 10 cases did not improve. Another 80 patients were divided evenly into a treatment group and a comparison group with the following resulst: significantly improved: 35% vs. 17.5%,  improved: 45% vs. 45% and did not improve: 20% vs. 42.5%. There is a significant difference between two groups.
13. Multiple neuritis: Of 23 patients taking F2 formula's modification, 21 were cured and 2  significantly improved.
14. Chronic pelvic infection: Of 64 patients taking F2 formula or its modifications for a month, 21 were cured (32.8%), 37 improved (57.8%) and 6 did not improve (9.4%).

Toxicity and side effects: IV LD 50 for the F2 formula is 149g/kg in lab mice.  Another report indicates IV LD 50 is 150.12g/Kg in lab mice. Both figures are way above normal dosage. A very safe formula.
A bottle of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $19.99!!
A bottle of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $19.99!!
A month supply of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $69.99!! Save almost $10.00!!!
A month supply of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $69.99!! Save almost $10.00!!!
12 Bottles of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $189.99!! Save almost $50.00!!
12 Bottles of Herb Brain arteriosclerosis F2 at $189.99!! Save almost $50.00!!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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