Gastritis F10
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
A bottle of Gastritis F10 at $19.99
A bottle of Gastritis F10 at $19.99
A month supply of Gastritis F10 at $69.99! Save almost 10%!!
A month supply of Gastritis F10 at $69.99! Save almost 10%!!
12 bottles of Gastritis F10 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of Gastritis F10 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
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Gastritis F10: Chronic gastritis with stomach ache, chest pain or pediatric asthma.

1. Chronic gastritis: A report of 102 gastritis patients took F10 or its modifications for up to three months and 96 were cured ( 94.11 percent).
2. Stomach ache: 120 patients took F10 or its modification for two months and 82 cured (69.33 percent), 34 improved (28.33 percent) and four did not (3.33 percent).
3. Psdiatric asthma: 150 children took F10 and 48 cured (32 percent), 60 significantly improved (40 percent), 28 improved (18.66 percent) and 14 did not improve (9.33 percent).

Toxicity and side effect: There is no report on F10 about its side effect or toxicity. A very safe formula.