Liver & Gallbladder Pain Relief F7
A bottle of Liver & gallbladder F7 at $19.99
A bottle of Liver & gallbladder F7 at $19.99
A month supply of Liver & gallbladder F7 at $69.99!! Save over 10%!!!
A month supply of Liver & gallbladder F7 at $69.99!! Save over 10%!!!
12 bottles of Liver F7 at $189.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
12 bottles of Liver F7 at $189.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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Liver and Gallbladder Pain Relief F7: Acute and chronic hepatitis, liver damages, camp fever or macula typhus, fever, flu or gastritis

1. Acute and chronic hepatitis: 61 children in three studies took F7 or its modification for up to three weeks and 58 were cured (95.08 percent), two improved and one did not. 208 adults in two studies took F7 for the same amount of time and 203 were cured (97.59 percent) and five did not improve.
2. Acute liver damage: 63 patients were divided into a treatment group (n=42) using F7 and western medicine together and a comparison group (n=21) using western medicine only. Cured: 41 vs. 15 (97.61 percent vs. 71.42 percent), improved: 1 vs. 5 (2.38 percent vs. 23.80 percent and not improved: 0 vs. 1 (P<0.05). The average treatment time was 25.2 vs. 35.28 days, P<0.01.
3. Typhus: 108 high-fever typhus patients took F7 or its modification from one to seven days and all reported their temperatures returned to normal.
4. Fever: 298 summer flu patients were divided into a treatment group (n=218) who took F7 or its modification and a comparison group took regular medicine for seven days (n=80). Cured: 189 vs. 18 (86.69 percent vs. 22.5 percent), improved: 28 vs. 47 (12.84 percent vs. 58.75 percent) and not improved: 1 vs. 15 (0.45 percent vs. 20 percent). The treatment group was much better than the comparison group, P<0.01.
5. Gastritis: 66 patients took F7 or its modification and 51 were cured (77.27 percent), 5 significantly improved (7.57 percent), 4 improved (6.06 percent) and 6 did not improve. Several other reports also show similar results.