Food Supplements for Mumps and Ear infection
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This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
1. Mumps F1: Mumps with epidemic hemorrhagic fever, URI (upper respiratory tract infection), acute oral infections, epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis or skin problems.

2. Mumps F2: Mumps with flu or URI, fever, no or few sweat, headache, thirsty, feeling cold or pneumonia.

3. Mumps F3: Mumps with constipation, over-weight, persistent thirst, bad breath, dry and bitter taste in mouth and headache.

4. Mumps F4: To apply only EXTERNALLY to reduce the pain and swollen of mumps.

1. Ear infection F1: Ear infection with liver diseases, herat problems, nephritis, gastritis, fever or joint pains.

2. Ear infection F2: Ear infection with skin infections or chronic bone marrow infection.

3. Ear infection F3: Ear infection with red eyes, fever, insomnia, anxiety, dark urine, HBP, dysentery, various infections, dry and bitter taste in the mouth.

4. Ear infection F4: Chronic ear infection with low immune system, CFS, sinus and astrophoic gastric ulcers.

5. Ear infection F5: Chronic ear infection with dizziness, Meniere's syndrome, water retention and general weakness.

6. Ear infection F6: Ear infections or cervical erosion, skin infections or impetigo herpetifomis.To apply only EXTERNALLY.