Neck Pain Relief F2

This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
Neck Pain F2: Neck pain with numbness in half or all the body, half-side sweating, knee problems, shortness of breath, frozen shoulder, after stroke rehab or post-partum uroschesis.

1. Cerebral-related dizziness:  52 patients, whose conditions were confirmed by X-rays and other means, were treated with F2 and 34 were cured (65.38 percent), 15 significantly improved (28.84 percent) and three did not improve after treatment.
2. Frozen shoulder: 63 patients were treated with F2 or its modification from 14 to 48 days. 26 were cured (41.26 percent), 31 significantly improved (49.3 percent) and 6 improved (9.4 percent).
3. Post-partum urinary distension: Of 35 women with urinary distension from one to six days, all taking F2 or its modification and all were cured in three days.
4. Knee inflammation: 38 patients, 24 with trauma history, were treated with F2 and rehab exercise from 14 to 42 days. 32 patients were cured (84.21 percent) and 6 improved (15.79 percent). All six who merely improved had degenerative disc diseases.

A bottle of Neck Pain F2 at $19.99
A bottle of Neck Pain F2 at $19.99
A month supply of Neck pain F2 at $69.99! Save over 10%!!
A month supply of Neck pain F2 at $69.99! Save over 10%!!
12 bottles of Neck pain F2 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of Neck pain F2 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
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