Nephritis F4
Nephritis F4: Nephritis, allergy with profuse sweating, susceptibility to colds, chronic upper respiratory infecton, eczema and low immune function.

1. Nephritis: Three reports on chronic nephritis patients taking F4 or its modification found 84 improved and 9 did not. A report on 37 chronic nephritis patients divided into a treatment group (n=27) and a comparison group (n=10) taking antibiotics revealed an effective rate of 74% versus 70%; there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, there was a significant difference in the three-month recurrence rate, which was much lower in the treatment group than the comparison group, p<0.01.
2. Allergy: In a lab test, F4 improved nasal mucus blood flow from 72.51 to 113.21ml /100mg, reduced inflammation and eliminated deposits of membrane immune compounds to relieve alleragic reaction. Ten reports on 1141 allergic sinus patients taking F4 or its modification for up to three month found 258 were cured (22.61%), 522 significantly improved (45.75%), 220 improved (19.28%) and 141 did not improve (12.36%). 310 sinus patients were divided into a treatment group (n=250) and a comparison group using regular medicine (n=60) for 20 days. There was a 66.4% improvement rate in the treatment group and 43.3% in the comparison group.
3.Immune system: F4 can protect the respiratory tract from bacterial and viral infections. More than 20 lab tests showed the F4 formula has great effects to protect and improve immune system from various aspects. There are too many lab test data to be included here. In the prevention of  flu, 115 patients took F4 prophylactically before the flu season. 109 succeeded while only 6 people caught the flu (5.21%). 210 flu patients were divided to conduct a double-blind test. The treatment group had an improvement rate of 70.1% to 88.6%, while in the contrast group, the rate was only from 21.2% to 55.6%. The treatment group also had significant improvement in many immune indicators while the contrast group did not, p<0.01. Other reports also showed F4 can reduce flu prevailing rate from 40% before treatment to only 7.5%. Four reports on patients with URI (upper respiratory tract infection) and coughing, who were treated with F4 for up to six months showed 284 were cured (47.09%), 166 significantly improved (27.53%), 107 improved (17.74%) and 46 did not improve (7.63%). There are too many other clinical reports with similar results to be listed here.
4. Eczema: Five reports on 115 eczema patients taking F4 or its modification for up to a month showed 73 were cured (63.47%), 22 significantly improved (19.13%), 9 improved (7.82%) and 11 did not improve (9.57%).
5. Spontaneous sweating: 150 patients were treated with F4 or its modification. 116 were cured (77.33%), 20 significantly improved (13.33%), 10 improved (6.66%) and 4 (2.66%) did not improve.
6. Carditis: Two reports on 90 patients taking F4 showed about 80 percent improvement rate in various symptoms.

Toxicity and side effects: In lab animal tests, F4 was given at 100g/Kg and all mice were normal in 24 hours. At 15g/Kg/d for 14 days, a few had loose stools and most were all right. At 264g/Kg to dogs, all tests were normal after three months. 
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A bottle of Nephritis F4 at $16.99!!
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A month supply of Nephritis F4 at $59.99!! Save over 10%!!
12 bottles of Nephritis F4 at $159.99! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
12 bottles of Nephritis F4 at $159.99! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
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This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005