Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4

This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
A bottle of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $21.99
A bottle of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $21.99
A month supply of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
A month supply of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
12 bottles of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
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Pleuritis and pulmonary abscess F4: Pleuritis or pulmonary abscess with chest pain, chest distension and tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, Meniere's syndrome, pleural cavity fluid due to TB or chronic cough.

1. TB-related pleural fluid retention: 49 patients took F4 to relieve fluid retention and all were cured in 18 to 36 days.
2. Heart failure: 96 chronic heart failure patients took F4 with other herbal formula found 39 (40.62 percent) significantly improved and 36 (37.5 percent) improved after treatment.   
3. Irregular heartbeat: Seven studies used F4 to treat irregular heartbeat with satisfactory results.
4. Pericardial effusion: 33 patients with pericardial effusion (18 with Stage II heart failure; and 15, Stage III) took F4 or its modification and 25 patients significantly improved (75.75 percent), 6 improved (18.15 percent) and 2 did not improve. The average heart rate dropped from 98/min to 95/min; the average blood output increased from 40 ml to 47 ml; STI (PEP/LVET) dropped from 0.5 to 0.38, ; heart functional index increased from 1.4 to 1.9 and improvements also showed in ECG and X-ray.
5. Chronic cough: 156 severe chronic cough patients took F4 and 148 (94.87 percent) patients cured in a week, 6 (3.8 percent) significantly improved in 10 days and two did not improve at all. Another five reports also showed the great effects of F4 in treating cough and preventing asthma attacks.
6. Meniere's Syndrome: 191 patients in three studies took F4 or its modification for up to three weeks and 139 were cured (72.77 percent), 10 significantly improved 5.23 percent), 32 improved (16.75 percent) and 10 did not improve.
7. Pediatric diarrhea: 60 children were divided evenly into a treatment group taking F4 and a comparison group taking regular western medicine. The treatment group achieved a 100 percent cure rate in an average of 2.2 days while the comparison had a 86.70 percent cure rate in an average of 4.4 days, P<0.01.