Stomach Pain Relief F4
Stomach pain relief F4: Stomach pain with antacid, low immune system, CFS (chronic fatique syndrome), general weakness, ear infection, susceptibility to catching cold, sinus and gastric ulcer.

1. Antacid: In lab animal tests, the F4 formula is very effective in reducing the secretion of gastric acid, increasing the Ph level and reducing the total acidity, p<0.01. A clinical report on 13 duodenal ulcer patients, divided into a treatment group (n=8) using F4 and a comparison group (n=5) using NS found after five days that the treatment group dropped 14.7% in MAO (maximum acid output) and 21.5% in PAO (peak acid output). Of 101 atroprahic gastritis patients taking the F4 formula or its modifications, 60 were cured (59.4%), 25 significantly improved (24.75%), 11 improved (10.95%) and 5 (4.95%) did not improve.
2. Digestive tract ulcer: Two lab reports show F4 formula is very effective to against gastric ulcers in animals.  A report on 170 duodenal ulcer patients taking F4 for up to four months showed 34 were cured in 70 days, 57 cured in 90 days and 64 cured in 110 days. A total of 155 patients were cured (91.17%) in four months. The remaining 15 patients (8.82%) also improved. Another report on 100 digestive tract ulcer patients (35 gastric ulcer, 42 duodenal ulcer and 23 multiple ulcers) taking F4 for two months showed 85% cured, 13% improved and 2% did not improve. Another 22 patients treated by F4 also achieved similar results.
3. Immune system: A report on 20 gastric ulcer patients taking F4 for 20 days found IgG increased from 12.4~24.5 mg/ml to 12.4~30mg/ml, p<0.05. Lymph cells increased from 44~75% to 56~94%, p<0.01.A report on 60 sinus allergy patients taking F4 for 20 days showed 50 (83.3%) significantly improved and 10 improved (16.6%).  Of 30 chronic suppurative ear infection patients taking the F4 formula or its modifications. 10 were cured (33.3%) with no suppurative discharge, no recurrence in three years and hearing increased to 10 to 15 db. 14 significantly improved (46.7%), with basically no discharge, and  hearing improved by 20 to 30 db Only 6 patients did not improve (20%).
4. Lead or heavy metal poisning: When the F4 formula is used with western medicine to treat chronic lead poisoning, the treatment time is 6.5 days shorter than when just using western medicine alone, p<0.01.

Toxicity and side effects: The IV LD50 in lab mice is 48.0g/KG. A very safe formula with no known side effects.
A bottle of Stomach F4 at $22.99!!
A bottle of Stomach F4 at $22.99!!
A month supply of Stomach F4 at $79.99!! Save over 10%!!
A month supply of Stomach F4 at $79.99!! Save over 10%!!
12 Bottles of Stomch F4 at $219.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
12 Bottles of Stomch F4 at $219.99!! Save over 20%!! Plus FREE S/H!
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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