Urinary tract infection

1. Urinary tract infection F1: Urinary tract infections or stones; arthritis or gout with urinacid stone or chronic prostate inflammation.

2. Urinary tract infection F2: Urinary tract infection, chest pain with water retention, edema, kidney problems, pleural fluid retention, diarrhea, vomit or Meniere's syndrome.

3. Urinary tract infection F3: Urinary tract infection, HBP with red or swollen eyes, migraine headache, bitter and sticky sensations in the mouth, acute ear infection, discomfort in the rib cage, genital and liver problems.

4. Urinary tract infection F4: Water retension, difficult urination, urinary tract infection or stone, fever, thirsty, anxiety, insomnia, Sojogren's syndrome or liver cirrhosis fluid retension.

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This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005