Herb supplements for Asthma

This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
1. Antiasthma F1: Asthma, allergy, excessive clear sputum, water retention, body ache, whooping cough or bronchitis.

2. Antiasthma F2: Pediatric asthma, whooping or chronic cough with yellow sticky phlegm.

3. Antiasthma F3: Asthma, chest pain with kidney problems, water retention, difficulty in urination, body ache with a heavy sensation, dizziness or cough.

4. Antiasthma F4: Chronic senile sthma, skin infection, bone infection, chronic bed sore, arthritis, sciatica nerve pain, rashes, cancerous pain or irregular hear beat.

5. Antiasthma F5: Pediatric whooping or chronic cough or asthma,

6. Antiasthma F6: Asthma, lower back and leg pain with diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic nephritis, impotence, infertilit, prostate enlargement or low bone-density.

7. Antiasthma F7: Asthma, tracheitis or bronchitis with whooping cough or pediatric chronic cough.
This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
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