Food Supplements for Pancreatitis and Appendicitis 
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This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
1. Pancreatitis F1: Pancreatitis with stomach or duodenal ulcer, constipation, fever,
hypertension, anxiety, high cholesterol, obesity, liver and gall bladder problems.

2. Pancreatitis F2: Pancreatitis with constipation, high fever, intestinal blockage, brain injuries, colon cleaning, stroke, tetanus or organic phosphorus poisoning.

3. Pancreatitis F3:Pancreatitis with angina, sharp pains in the chest, HBP, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, PMS, restlessness, cold or numb fingers.

4. Pancreatitis F4: Pancreatitis with infections.

1. Appendicitis F1: Appendicitis with gallbladder infection, pelvic infection, chronic prostate inflammation, large intestine obstruction or acute pediatric tonsillitis.

2. Appendicitis F2: Appendicitis or allergy with excessive yellow nasal mucus discharge, skin infection, mammary gland infection and stomach ulcer.

3. Appendicitis F3: Appendicitis or gallbladder infection, chronic pelvic infection or ovary cyst.

4. Appendicitis F4: Appendicitis or liver and gallbladder problem, constipation, high fever, intestinal blockage, brain injuries, colon cleaning, stroke, tetanus or organic phosphorus poisoning.

5. Appendicitis F5: Appendicitis with PMS, irregular periods, vaginal bleeding, infertility, ovary tract blockage, headache, heart diseases, gastritis or nephritis.

6. Appendicitis F6: Appendicitis or ear infections, cervical erosion, skin infections or impetigo herpetifomis.To apply only EXTERNALLY.
5. Pancreatitis F5: Chronic pancreatitis with constipation, high cholesterol, overweight or fever.

6. Pancreatitis F6: Pancreatitis EXTERNAL USE ONLY!